
PCS™ ThinLine: Set 1 for Boardmaker v6

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Designed with a clean, more detailed look to appeal to anyone: adults, teens and children, the PCS ThinLine style is the next step in PCS development. Offering a broad range of topics, PCS ThinLine provides a powerful communication tool and gives you just what you need to participate in a multitude of environments. Add over 2,500 symbols to your PCS library with the new PCS ThinLine: Set 1 symbol collection.

Set 1 includes the following PCS ThinLine Collections:

PCS ThinLine: People, Feelings & Actions
PCS ThinLine: Animals & Outdoors
PCS ThinLine: Community & Home
PCS ThinLine: Food & Drink
PCS ThinLine: School
PCS ThinLine: Leisure
PCS ThinLine: Language Elements
PCS ThinLine: Health & Body
PCS ThinLine: Backgrounds

Available in 15 Languages - US English, Chinese, German, Danish, Norweigan, Finnish, Swedish, Italian, Castilian, Portuguese BR, Portuguese EU, Spanish, French, Hebrew, and UK English. 

To translate, use the Chrome Browser, right click anywhere and select Translate.

Zum Übersetzen: Chrome Browser verwenden, mit rechter Maustaste klicken und "Übersetzen in Deutsch" wählen.

För att översätta, använd Chrome Browser, högerklicka var som helst och välj "Översätt".

Para traducir, utiliza el navegador Chrome, haz clic derecho en cualquier parte y selecciona "traducir"

Pour traduire, utilisez le navigateur Chrome, cliquez droit n'importe où et sélectionnez Traduire


For at oversætte, brug Chrome Browser, højreklik et vilkårligt sted og vælg Oversæt

For å oversette, bruk nettleseren Google Chrome, høyreklikk hvor som helst og velg Oversett til norsk.

Käytä Chrome -selainta käännökseen tekemällä oikea klikkaus ja valitsemalla Käännä kielelle

לתרגום העמוד, השתמש בדפדפן כרום, לחץ על הכפתור הימני (בכל מקום בעמוד זה) ובחר תרגם.

Per tradurre usa il browser Chrome, fai tasto destro del mouse in un punto qualsisi dello schermo e scegli l'opzione traduci

Para traduzir, use o navegador Chrome, clique com o botão direito em qualquer lugar e selecione Traduzir

Compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10.

*Now pre-installed on Boardmaker Studio 1.5 or above! If you have the previous version, you can purchase these symbols separately.